1996 Excellent Design, Design Centre of the Czech Republic, Prague (CZ)
1998 ETA – VIZE, Design for the 3rd Millennium, Design Centre of the Czech Republic, Prague (CZ)
1998 „Acrossing the Borders“, Schärding (Austria)
1999 Excellent Design, Design Centre of the Czech Republic, Prague (CZ)
2000 Prague: Session, National Gallery in Prague (CZ)
2000 Biennale Internationale Design 2000, Saint-Étienne (France)
2001 Architecture and Design 1997- 2001, AAAD studio exhibition, Tunnel Gallery in Prague (CZ)
2001 Prague: Session, Moravian Gallery in Brno (CZ)
2001 MOBITEX, Brno (CZ)
2001 Economical Lighting, Design Centre of the Czech Republic, Prague (CZ)
2001 Prague: Session, London (GB)
2001 Prague: Session, Glasgow (GB)
2002 Art&Interior, National Gallery in Prague (CZ), together with prof. Ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl
2002 Salone del Mobile, Milano (Italy), together with prof. Ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl
2003 Das Möebel, Wien (A)
2003 MOBITEX, Brno (CZ)
2003 Designblok – Milky Way Confrontation, Prague (CZ)
2003 Contemporary Czech Design – Our Daily Companion, Prague, (CZ)
2004 Design Story, Brno (CZ)
2004 Art&Interior, Prague (CZ)
2004 Czech in – Actual Czech Design, Wien (A)
2004 Designmai, Berlin (Germany)
2004 DesignAir, Birmingham (Great Britain)
2005 ICFF, The International Contemporary Furniture Fair, New York (USA)
2005 Czech 100 – The One Hundred Icons of Czech Design
2005 Czech This Out, Wien (Austria)
2008 Krehky by The Czech Republic, Milan (Italy)
2009 Czech Grand Design 2008
2010 EXPO Shanghai (China) The Czech Republic Presentation, Miracles Archive
2011 Czech Grand Design 2010
2011 Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan (Italy)
2011 Designblok´11, Prague
2011 Designblok Selection, Prague
2012 Nomination Czech Grand Design 2011, Prague
2012 Lighting&Building, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
2013 Designblok ´14, The Icons, Prague
2013 100% Design, Mint Gallery London (Great Britain)
2013 Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan (Italy)
2013 The Wishing Table, Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan (Italy)
2014 Young and successful! Prague, Münich, Bratislava
2016 René Šulc / Organon. Kvalitář Gallery in Prague
2016 Jiří Pelcl – Dialogue. Gallery UMPRUM in Prague
2016 Designers to Children. Czechdesign Gallery in Prague.
2017 The Limitations. Zlin Design Week 2017
2018 Lucis. Lighting&Building, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
2018 Lasvit. Monster Cabaret. Milan Design Week 2018 (Italy)
2018 Play! Zlin Design Week 2018
2018 Miniwonders. Czech Center in Tokio, Moscow, Peking.
2019 Design without Borders. Budapest (Hungary)